Wednesday, January 7, 2015

This is the real me.

I’d rather live my life accepting that I’m not perfect, than spending my whole life pretending to be.

I love my parents more than anything and I can not think of a better night than to hang out with my family.

I love writing.

I have always wanted to go out of the country.

Ever since I was 2 I have had a baby blanket that I slept with until I was 13. I only put it away, because it was so tattered that I was scared that it would fall apart.

I feel like I need to be cooler, but I never know how.

I have been in a lot of trouble before, but it has made me who I am today.

I have a severe fear of sneezing. It's mostly the germ thing.

I have to force myself to go to class because high school drains me. I work two jobs and I go to school full time with an early morning class.

My dog means a lot to me, she saved my life and now it is my mission to save hers.

My sister is amazing and I never give her enough credit. I guess I make fun of her because I am jealous she is doing so good when I wasn't at that age.

I turned all of my homework in for the first time since 6th grade for this term.

I am scared that I will be a horrible mother, but then I second guess myself because I take care of people for a living. I am scared to be in charge of children and be responsible for there success.

I have have been influenced by Madeline McEwan, Reagan Curtis, Amber Tillotson, and Breanna Meyer. Whether they know it or not, they have changed my life in the past year at one time or another.

I love the beach but have only gone to a coast beach 3 times.

I love a certain boy.

I love being appreciated. It just makes me know that what I am doing is worth my time.

Homework gets harder and harder ever day. I just loose a minute everyday. I get way too busy.

I know what I should do, but I am scared to do it. I feel like I would fail.

I did not take a math class this year in fear of failing. I am not good at math.

I feel like I have a lot of responsibility, and I feel like I take on too much, and then I can not handle it because I overload myself.

I am in 13 clubs this year, and a leader position in more than half of them.

I am doing an internship with the person that made the sets for walking dead.

(the next few are going to give me away)

I am a CNA.

I hate Highschool because I am always judged.

I got engaged November 19th.

I love my nephew more than anything and I can not imaging loving my kinds more than that.

I miss my CNA teacher, but I love working as a CNA more.

I am getting married May 23rd.

I love helping people through hard times.

I've had an eating disorder since I was 8 years old, and no one knows about it.

I love hiding behind this pen name

But it is time to be the real me.