Sunday, October 26, 2014

Please don't leave me here.

Sometimes I'm afraid of being forgotten, but even worse, I'm afraid of being seen.
I don't want to be the one who no one knew about.  I'm afraid that one day it will be like we never knew each other. As if we never laughed uncontrollably, if we never shared our secrets, if we never knew each others names "Oh yeah, I remember you, your name was?"
Please don't leave me here.

I'm scared of making choices because what if I'm wrong? Will you blame me? My choices determine what I am in the future and I don't want to mess that up. I could mess up our future. "Don't be mad, but it was an accident" I need you with me. Make sure I don't screw up.
Please don't leave me here.

I'm afraid of you. I'm afraid of disappointing you, of being too scared, and not saying what I feel. Of loving too deeply, and forgetting my past. I want to be present, but I'm afraid I'm always doing something wrong, I'm afraid of over thinking, of trying too hard, and of pushing you away. I need to back off, but try harder. Make up your mind. I'm afraid I'm not good enough, but I know you don't care.
Please don't leave me here.

I'm afraid of hurting my mom. Of pretending to hate, and not saying I love you. I'm afraid I won't give her everything. I'm afraid I won't do her proud. I'm afraid I won't live up to her name. Of being "That one child." I'm afraid that I've already hurt her. I'm afraid that one day I won't need her anymore. I'm acared that she will forget me.
Please don't leave me here.

I'm afrid of you. I'm afrid that I might be too fat for you, or too smart for you. I'm scared that I dont fit in and you don't have time for me. I'm afraid of beign too thin, and not being able to work out. I'm afriaid of living in fear. I'm afrid of forgetting all of this.
Please don't leave me here.

Please don't leave me here, becasue one day, I don't want to amount to noting. I don't want to be living in fear, and wondering what I could have done, or what I could have been like. I'm me and fear has took over for too long. Yes fear, I can leave you here because I'm moving on. I'm not afrid of anymore, and that scares me. Never looking back, always moving foward.

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